
Hurray, a new project

Yes, finally i came around one and was able to put it live a few days ago.


It's a small page but it had some catches.
First of all it is a one-pager which screams for a static page but the client wanted to administrate it so i decided for the latest wordpress and for html5!
So lovely this html5 markup. Always love using it. You can so easily markup your most important elements with proper tags and the search engines know instantly what it is, less clumsy than in HTML4. Also, it comes in with nice Reader feature on ios devices and you can make it compatible to older browsers with a tiny script that tells the older browser what you actually wanted to say with the tag "header" for example. Furthermore html5 and wordpress brings together nice frontend-onsite editing features so it was truly the right decision.
So additionally I was of course using some Css3 features like transitions and build in a few javascripts to make the smooth scrolling, the locked navigation, hash-tags and the slider in the team area possible.
That was already a bit catchy but the challenge was the backend.


I didn't want it to be an obvious wordpress so I removed all hints from pingbacks over rss-feeds up until the usual wp-head and the actual folder naming like wp-content. I also added my own theme with all the own/none-wordpress markup. This adds up more security and of course feels more custom.
Secondly I wanted the client to write as less to none code into the editor as possible. The first approach to connect a wordpress to a static one-pager is usual just to make one page and paste all the code into this one page. With this way the client would have to go throw endless lines of code and most likely would "break" something.
So I decided for a custom page template. Wordpress has a good documentation on this, which makes it really easy.
In the wordpress backend the one-pager has now more than 25 pages even partly with children. So for example the sub-page team has more than 20 children pages, each member has one. The client can even sort in which order the the children an shown.
This way I can write all my frame markup like lists, wrappers and logic for fetching the pages in the template and the client doesn't need to bother with it in the editor window. The children of one main sub-page are fetched dynamically so the client can add for example more team members without me touching the template.


So in all a great project to get back and deeper into wordpress and use great new frontend techniques. More to come!